Every non-resident task makes it possible to preset its operation priority. It means that the user will announce to the operating system, how important the task is for him. The higher priority the task has, the more time of the processor it will get, and thus also the faster it will run. It is necessary to realize that the speed of the task operation depends not only on its priority, but also on the current status of the operating system and on the priorities of all the other programs that are currently running. The default value of the task priority is smaller than the priority of the AVAST32 program itself.
Only this page is used to preset the task priority .
It contains only a slider, through the setting of which it is possible to change the priority of the task. The more to the left the slider indicator is, the lower priority the task has, and vice versa. As it concerns intervention into the operating system task planning, we do recommend the change of the position of the slider indicator only for those users who knows what they are doing. The preset priority will be suitable in the overwhelming majority of cases for the normal user. If the preset priority of a task is too high, it may mean that the restoring of the user's environment of the program will be slowed down. It is not a fault of the program, but only a consequence of the fact that the task has a higher priority than the user interface of the AVAST32.